Feasibility study on Arctic Route options – Swedish Polar Research Secretariat

A submarine cable system is being planned between Europe, Asia and North America via the North Pole1. The Swedish Polar Research Secretariat (SPRS) is to provide the ice-breaking solution for this cable-laying project from Svalbard to Bering Strait, Figure 1.  This phase of the project should occur in August or September, as these months typically present the least challenging ice conditions. Still, there will be a lot of heavy ice to handle, including multi-year ice, ridges, and ice drift. Ice conditions refer to ice concentration, thickness, composition, and drift. This, together with weather forecasts, forms the basis for decisions about how the preparatory icebreaking shall be performed. For the operation to be carried out as safely and efficiently as possible, an Ice Management system2 must be prepared and in place. The intended Ice Management method is based on knowledge and experience gained in previous polar expeditions by SPRS. 

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